How do you build up your intimacy with God

"How do you build up your intimacy with God? "

 Intimacy with God doesn't just happen. It requires determination and a significant investment of time and effort.
As we seek intimacy with Him, we must learn :

1) Conflict resolution. God is always right. No matter the circumstances, tension with God can be resolved by yielding our desires and seeking His viewpoint.

2) Trust- intimacy grows only in an atmosphere of trust. As we understand God's character better, our confidence grows, and we are drawn closer to Him. Our part is to show ourselves trustworthy.

3) Risk taking – the more we reveal who we are in Christ to those around us, the more we risk facing arguments, experiencing rejection, or being misunderstood.

4) Agreement – for us to maintain a close affinity with God,our schedule and plans must reflect that He is a priority. We are to be available for His use and open to His direction. God designed us for intimacy with Him.

 All that He requires is our presence and cooperation. What priority have you placed on building a deeper relationship with Him ?

Intimacy with God requires purity. Christ is looking for a bride not a girlfriend. Out of intimacy with God comes revival. So many seek revival without seeking Him. Many want revival but no intimacy. God is tired of having long distance relationship with His people. He wants an close encounter with me and you. He wants to invade our homes and lives with His abiding presence in a way that will make every visitor begin to weep with wonder and worship the moment they enter. He wants to invade our hearts, secret sins, thoughts and lives.

 But it's a personal choice. If you want more of God, God must have more of you.


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