What distinguishes you from the rest of the world

”What distinguishes you from the rest of the world? “

Exodus 33:16
It is the presence of the Lord. Are you aware of God‘s presence every moment in your life? Do you practice the presence of God? Even when things are not going according to your expectations are you still aware of His presence? He promised that He NEVER  leaves you nor forsake you. Do you believe it? We always have the companion of Jesus and the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. John 14:15–18 “You are not an orphan because Jesus sent His Spirit to abide with you “FOREVER. “ Hallelujah ! That makes you shout a big : Glory to the Lord. “You will make me full of joy in Your presence .” (Acts 2:28). “ Set your heart at rest in His presence.”
(1 John 3:19). Many call God, “Emanuel”- God with us, but God wants to dwell in us, and us in Him. In every circumstance of life God reveals Himself . In trouble -He is  the Deliverer , in sickness -He is the Healer, in discouragement-He is the Encourager, in tragedy -He is the Comforter, in fear -He is the Peace, in need -He is the Provider, in  loneliness -He is the Companion, in sadness -He is the Joy. In hopeless situation -He is the Hope, in death- He is the Resurrection.
If you experience any of these conditions, remember God‘s Presence and His promises.
Read the word of God , pray ,praise and fast.
Also He promised ,” If you seek Me with all your heart, you shall find Me.

I had people coming to me and asking,” How can I have more of God ?” I replied,” When God has more of you , you will have more of God.
God walked with Enoch for 300 years because Enoch walked with God and loved to be in His presence. Do you seek Him? Do you love His presence? How much time do you spend with Him daily ?


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