“Did you loose your hearing or your faith?” Rom: 10:17

“Did you lose your hearing or your faith? “ Rom.10:17”

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have so much faith, others have weak faith, and some have no faith at all? Is God unfair? No, God is no respecter of persons (see  2 Chron. 19:7). He is given to every man a measure of faith see (Romans 12:3)
And so, what is faith? Let me first say what it is not. Faith is not positive thinking or optimism. It is not a feeling that you can do something. It is not a hunch or looking on the sunny side of the street. Faith is getting a word from God and acting upon it. You see, you can get a word from God and believe that word. That this belief. But when you act upon it, that is faith. Faith is belief with legs on it. Today is the day that you put your foot of faith upon the promises of God and say, “ That promise is mine ! “Get back to the Bible. Your hearing and your faith will be restored. Let Jesus speak to this heart of mine and doubts will take the wings of the morning and fly away. Faith is not coming through the channels of human concept. Not along the paths of human understandings. Not by the abilities of minds to comprehend, or the power of the intellect to affirm. But Jesus speak, and the soul is lifted.
One little word from Jesus is worth all the words in a dictionary of human language. Faith according to the Bible is a gift of God and a fruit of the Spirit. There is no other source of faith; for it is the faith of God. You cannot have faith in God, unless you have the faith of God. That is why the Scripture says,” By grace are you saved, through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.Grace and faith are so closely related that you cannot separate them. Faith without works is dead. Faith works, moves, operates and accomplishes things according to its measure and its power. Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith. How much do you know Him ? How often do you read His Word in order to get faith for your circumstances ?
 Do you still hear His voice? Do you live  by faith or by sight? Without faith you cannot please God.


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