”No cheap seats. “Mark 8:34

“If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me.” In that day the cross was an instrument of shame, humiliation, suffering, torture and death. Sadly, the message has become clouded in our day. Some people say that a lost job, abusive spouse, a wayward child or a crazy boss is their cross.Some people think that an illness or a physical handicap is their cross. The trials and hardships you face in this life are not your cross ! Jesus is calling us to die to ourselves. He is calling us to commit to a lifestyle of living death. Galatians 2:20 He is calling us to willingly bear the shame, the reproach, the humiliation, the suffering, the hatred, the alienation and even the death that may come to those who are associated with Him. We take up our cross when we choose the narrow way over the way of the world, regardless of the cost. We take up the cross when we live out biblical ethics in our personal lives and in our business relationships, regardless of the cost. We take up our cross when we are willing to suffer any attack for Jesus sake. Not many people actually caring their cross today. Many are quick to compromise when it makes their way just a little easier. Businessman will lie, cheat or steal to keep their customers. To take up your cross means that you are willing to identify yourself with Jesus. There are no cheap seats, but there is a high price to pay for being a genuine disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. Take up your cross daily and never lay it down until you reach the place of death.


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