The Master broadened the bread” Matt 14:19

"The master broadened the bread .

" Matthew 14: 19 "...Then He gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people." 
The five loaves and two small fishes were just enough to feed one little boy, but they were woefully insufficient to feed a vast multitude. However, when they were blessed and broken by the Master, their ability was  is broadened. He took what was designed for one and use it to feed as many as 25,000 ! That is what the Master can do with those things He blesses and brakes! God only breaks us so that  He might broaden our ministry! 
Therefore, do not try to run away when the hand of the Lord lays heavy on your life ! When He is breaking you, it is so that He can use you in a greater manner ! Think of: Elijah, Jacob ,Moses, Paul in prison, Mary"alabaster box of ointment, Joseph, etc. 
If you have been blessed and broken for the Lord, then get ready, He has a plan for your life that is glorious beyond imagination. But you need to place your life in the hands of the Master. 

First He wants to save you if you are not saved, then He will use you for His glory. Some are already saved but  the Master is not in control of their lives. Let's ask him to bless us. Let's ask Him to break us to bring us to a place of total dependence upon Him. Then let's watch Him use us for His glory and broaden us beyond our imagination.


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