What are you afraid of? Psalm 23:4

What are you afraid of? ”
Psalm 23:4 “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil ; for You are with me ; Your rod and Your staff they comfort me. “ 

In Matthew 25, we read the parable of the talents. When the master who had distributed the talents came to see the stewardship of those talents, one man had taken his talent and hidden in the ground. You may have a buried talent, but you’ve been covered up by the sinister minister or fear, who keeps you from achieving your dreams. 

You say,“ But what if I fail? “You can be so afraid of making a mistake that your  entire life will be a mistake. The fear of failure keeps so many from competing that they never even get in the race. They just lose by default ! 

Sir Walter Scott was called a “dunce “by his teachers. Napoleon Bonaparte was next to last in his military class. Walt Disney was fired as a cartoonist because the newspaper said he couldn’t draw ! It’s not bad to fail. We all will fail. But May God deliver you from the spirit of failure, which is the spirit of fear. 
Believe in the promise of His presence. No matter what He allows you to go through His rod and staff will comfort you.
 The greatest fear is the “fear of death.” But Jesus overcame death to deliver us from its power and slavery. Now death is just a shadow and nobody should be afraid of a shadow. The Bible has 366 times the promises of the Lord,” Fear not for I am with you.” So you are covered every day with His promise that He is with you. Why are you still afraid? 
Ask the Lord to deliver you of any spirit of fear that is keeping you in bondage and inactive for His Kingdom ! 


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