
Showing posts from January, 2020

The 5R’s” of God‘s prescription to heal your love. Rev. 2:4-5”

Yet I hold this against you, that you have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen. Repent and return to do the things you did at first. Or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lamp stand from its place – unless you repent. “The biggest problem we have is a personal problem with the Lord Himself. After commending them for their works, Jesus condemns them for their lack of love for Him. We have offended a Holy God. It is a passion problem. We don’t love Him like we used to do. But Jesus is giving us the second chance in 2020, the prescription to come back to the First Love. 1) REMEMBER – Rewind the film of your life, to the moment when you accepted Jesus. Where and when did you meet Jesus? What were the first things that you did? How was your relationship with your wife, children, friends, neighbors, co-workers, after you’ve met Jesus? How was your desire in praying, reading the Bible, going to Bible study, your fellowship, going to Church, s...
A church that sent people to Hell - Urgent Warning / David Wilkerson

“Burying your past.”Exodus 14:13

”And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today you will never see again.” It’s not enough to pass your past, but you must break its power that it has over you, otherwise the past will hunt you for the rest of your life. When you are delivered from something that always tries to overcome you, it is essential to overcome it once and for all, to be able to have a victorious life. In Luke 10: 19 Jesus said, “I have given you authority to overcome all the power of the enemy, nothing will harm you. Get up today and say “ In the name of Jesus, I refuse to fall again, I refuse to have nightmares, I refuse to let sadness overcome me, I refuse to be inferior, I refuse to be confused and disturbed and stressed, because ... “If the Son set you free you will be free indeed. (John 8:36) .When you believe that its over but discover that is not, you get discouraged. Don’t for...

“Do you have a Worn-out Bible?” 2Timothy 3:16-17”

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” A man took his wife to see the doctor, and as he was sitting in the waiting room, he saw the doctor come rushing out ,asking if someone had a screwdriver. He returned to the exam room with the screwdriver, but a few minutes later, he came running out again and asked for a pair of pliers. The man was getting concerned at this point. Moments later, the doctor came out and asked if anyone had a hammer. Unable to stand it any longer, the husband said, “ Doctor, what is going on in there? What is wrong with my wife? “ “I don’t know, the doctor replied.” I can’t get my medical bag open. “ When it comes to our Bibles, the same is true for a lot of us. We haven’t even opened them. This is why I think it is very important to bring your Bible to church. It is also why there is no...

Isaiah 6:8 " Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, " Whom shall I send? And who will go for Us ? And I said, " Here am I . Send me."

January 2020 Romania- Outreach All the praise ,honor ,and glory , and Thanksgiving belong to the Lord. We are back in US after two weeks of evangelism in Romania. The Lord worked beyond our expectations. As soon as we arrived in Romania the next day in the morning I was called to Credo TV where they recorded me for four hours. In the same day, in the evening we had five hours evangelism in a church, in Blaj where the Lord saved and delivered people and revived them. The next evening we had church service in the same place for 4 hours where we experienced salvations, returning of a prodigal daughter, healing and deliverance. A special case was with two years old boy who was demon possessed with the cell phone.His grandma brought him over telling us that the demons are tormenting him all night long ,to keep him on the phone, and he speaks with the demons from the phone ,and in the morning he is wiped out ,so exhausted. We laid hands on him and the Lord set him free for good .  Nex...

Were you fruitless in 2019 ? Part 2

Lk.13:9 "Perhaps if he bears fruit this year, fine. " Perhaps if he will see his own condition he will repent, perhaps he will reconcile with his wife, or her with her husband, perhaps he will love her as Christ loved the church and died for her, perhaps he will ask for forgiveness to his children or to those he did wrong, perhaps he will read the Bible this year, pray and start going to church, perhaps he will start to manifest the fruit of the Spirit in his life from Galatians 5:22, perhaps he will change his priorities this year-seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, perhaps he will start to give Me preeminence in all things, in his life, including the hidden and favorite things, perhaps he will have an absolute surrender this year, perhaps he will give up his ambitions, pleasures, sins, and addictions that he is compromised with for so long, perhaps he will have agony for the lost and bring at least one soul to Jesus this year, perhaps he will have compa...

“Were you fruitless in 2019 ? “

Lk.13: 7–9 “Then he said to the keeper of his vineyard, “Look, for three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none. Cut it down ; why does it use up the ground?” But he answered and said to him,” Sir, leave it alone for one more year, until I dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine ! If not,then cut it down.” Does Jesus need to intercede for you, that you may bring fruits in 2020 ?  I have good news for you. Jesus is not just interceding for you, but Jesus was anointed by the Spirit : Lk.4:19...”To proclaim the year of mercy of the Lord. “ Jesus is giving you another chance in 2020. Hallelujah and thank you Jesus. First, the fig tree did not grow by itself, but a certain man planted it in his vineyard. If you repent, being born again, and accept Jesus, He will plant you in “ His vineyard”, not anywhere, not just to be there, but to bear fruits. Psalm 92:13,14 “ Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the cou...

Do you live with the right perspective?

Gaining a new perspective on life in 2020. Hebrew 12:2” Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith...” There was a workman and at the end of the working day, he was leaving his factory    pushing out his wheelbarrow. Inside of the wheelbarrow was a small box. He was stopped by security guard. The guard said, “ What have you got in your wheelbarrow ? He said, “I have a small box. “The guard says, “ I know you got a small box. What is in the box? “ He says, “Well, you know the sawdust that’s on the floors at the end of the working day, and is swept up and is thrown away? I needed some. So I put it in the box and I’m going to take it home. “ The guard says, “Open the box. “He opens the box and saw sawdust. He said , “ Out you go.” Next day same thing, third day same thing, fourth day same thing. Fifth day he pushed out his wheelbarrow , inside was the small box. It was the same security guard. The guard says, “It’s you again.” What have you got in your...

Do you want revival in your life in 2020 ?

Do you desire it or you are satisfied where you are, with what you have, and what you do? Were you happy with your accomplishments in 2019 ? There are some practical ways to experience revival in your life in 2020. 1) Changing priorities. Give God your FIRST HOUR every morning when you wake up. Reading the Word and praying. Matt.26:40 ; Read 2 Chapters from the Old Testament and 2 Chapters from the New Testament. In this way you will finish the Bible in one year ,the Old once and the New twice. Memorize one verse daily. Ps.119:12 ; Have a list of prayer for 2020 with : 1) Unsaved people ; 2) Restoration of the prodigal sons and daughters ; 3) Reconciliation of broken marriages; 4) Deliverance from addictions,slavery of sin and demon possessed; 5) Healings ; 6) Interceding for ministers and missionaries;7) People who struggle financially, and need a job ; 8) Widows and orphans; 9) Barren women; 10) People who desire to get married; 11) Look warm Christians to get on fire 12)Churche...

Do you have the right focus in 2020 ? 2Tim.4:10

For Demas has forsaken me for the love of this present world... " A man bought a hunting dog. Anxious to see how good he was, he took him to hunt a bear. In few minutes after they arrived in the forest, the dog was tracking a bear. Suddenly he stopped, smelled the ground and changed direction. He detected a deer scent who intersected the path of the bear. After few moments, the dog stopped again, smelled the ground, and took another direction, because he smelled a rabbit who intersected the path of the deer. Finally, the hunter chasing after his dog, who changed directions over and over again, found him barking triumphantly over a nest of field mice. We, as Christians do the same as the hunting dog . Every beginning of each year we start with great resolutions, to give Christ the first place in our lives, to live for Him, but very soon our attention and lives are attracted by the little and insignificant things of this world, and by the end of the year we see ourselves drifted awa...


Drumurile vieții noastre, nu de puține ori , coboară. Prin valea DURA. Acolo unde trebuie să stai în picioare pentru Dumnezeu în timp ce colegii tăi îngenunchează zilnic în fața idolilor, Prin valea Terebinților. Daca mai ai vreun Goliat pe care nu l-ai învins încă să fie 2020 anul în care să ieși victorios asupra oricărui păcat în numele lui Dumnezeu. Prin valea umbrei morții. Îți vor spune doctorii că nu mai ai șanse, vei fi în situații limită, dar tu să spui la fel ca David: ”Nu mă tem de nici un rau, caci Tu ești cu mine” (Ps. 23: 4 ) Prin valea plîngerii. Pentru ca lacrimile curațesc ochii. Cînd ochii varsă lacrimi, inima simte pe Dumnezeu mai aproape. Prin valea EȘCOL, Acolo unde doi oameni trebuiau să care un strugure… Cînd vei avea mai mult decat ai nevoie în viață, să nu uiți de cei ce trăiesc la limită… Alteori urcăm. Calatoria noastră în anul care vine ne va duce peste munți. Probabil ne vom întîlnii cu muntele MORIA. Acolo se dau testele ascultării. Acolo u...