The 5R’s” of God‘s prescription to heal your love. Rev. 2:4-5”

Yet I hold this against you, that you have
forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen. Repent and return to do the things you did at first. Or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lamp stand from its place – unless you repent. “The biggest problem we have is a personal problem with the Lord Himself. After commending them for their works, Jesus condemns them for their lack of love for Him. We have offended a Holy God. It is a passion problem. We don’t love Him like we used to do. But Jesus is giving us the second chance in 2020, the prescription to come back to the First Love. 1) REMEMBER – Rewind the film of your life, to the moment when you accepted Jesus. Where and when did you meet Jesus? What were the first things that you did? How was your relationship with your wife, children, friends, neighbors, co-workers, after you’ve met Jesus? How was your desire in praying, reading the Bible, going to Bible study, your fellowship, going to Church, serving God, etc. Take a piece of paper and divided in two. Write the things that you used to do for the Lord at first, and the things that you are doing for the Lord today. That will help you to remember the FIRST LOVE and the love that you have today for the Lord. That’s the height from which you have fallen ! Do you still have that desire and hunger for the Word of God and prayer? Do you still have that passion for the Lord? Are you still overwhelmed by His Presence? Does God still speak to you? Is the Joy of salvation giving you excitement and satisfaction to your soul? How excited are you about His return? Do you do things for the Lord out of obligation or out of love? If not, then you have forsaken your FIRST LOVE . The first medicine on God’s prescription is to REMEMBER
Who or what replaced your first love for the Lord ? You didn’t lose it but you have forsaken your first love willingly for something or someone.
Remembering is the first step to get it back, to be healed. God is not going to do it for you. You must desire it before it’s too late.


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