Were you fruitless in 2019 ? Part 2

Lk.13:9 "Perhaps if he bears fruit this year, fine. " Perhaps if he will see his own condition he will repent, perhaps he will reconcile with his wife, or her with her husband, perhaps he will love her as Christ loved the church and died for her, perhaps he will ask for forgiveness to his children or to those he did wrong, perhaps he will read the Bible this year, pray and start going to church, perhaps he will start to manifest the fruit of the Spirit in his life from Galatians 5:22, perhaps he will change his priorities this year-seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, perhaps he will start to give Me preeminence in all things, in his life, including the hidden and favorite things, perhaps he will have an absolute surrender this year, perhaps he will give up his ambitions, pleasures, sins, and addictions that he is compromised with for so long, perhaps he will have agony for the lost and bring at least one soul to Jesus this year, perhaps he will have compassion for the widows and orphans, perhaps he will make himself  available to Me and live for Me not for himself, perhaps he will stop lying , cheating , stealing , being angry, grumpy, unthankful , perhaps he will desire transformation in his life this year, perhaps he will desire to be holy as I am holy, perhaps he will get on fire and stop being lukewarm, perhaps he will be looking and hastening the coming of the day of God, perhaps this year he or she will..."
This is my last devotion. I'm leaving tomorrow morning for the evangelism crusade in Romania for two weeks. Please support me in your prayers that God will give a great harvest, many will be saved, delivered, healed and revived, getting on fire for Jesus and His Kingdom.Read the Word, pray, fast, consecrate yourself to the Lord and love Him with all your heart, strength, mind and soul.God bless you all !


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