Isaiah 6:8 " Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, " Whom shall I send? And who will go for Us ? And I said, " Here am I . Send me."

January 2020 Romania- Outreach
All the praise ,honor ,and glory , and Thanksgiving belong to the Lord. We are back in US after two weeks of evangelism in Romania. The Lord worked beyond our expectations. As soon as we arrived in Romania the next day in the morning I was called to Credo TV where they recorded me for four hours. In the same day, in the evening we had five hours evangelism in a church, in Blaj where the Lord saved and delivered people and revived them. The next evening we had church service in the same place for 4 hours where we experienced salvations, returning of a prodigal daughter, healing and deliverance. A special case was with two years old boy who was demon possessed with the cell phone.His grandma brought him over telling us that the demons are tormenting him all night long ,to keep him on the phone, and he speaks with the demons from the phone ,and in the morning he is wiped out ,so exhausted. We laid hands on him and the Lord set him free for good

Next day one of our guys from the team couldn’t straighten up his back because of the pain .We anointed and prayed for him and immediately the pain was gone.

We experienced a great revival in Sibiu . One lady got saved then we prayed for her because she was barren. In Cisnadie 7 people got saved and on the way home the pastor called me crying and told me that he found his daughter home crying in the living room saying that she didn’t raise up her hand to accept Jesus when I did the altar call but she wants to repent and accept Jesus. 

In Sterpoaia-Oltenia it was a great revival 99% of the people came forward rededicating and consecrating themselves to the Lord. The Lord spoke through me and revealed the condition of the heart of each of them. 

 A father in a wheelchair with three daughters confessed to me that one of his daughters that I prayed for last year got healed and now she was very healthy. In Tirgu-Jiu we experienced a great revival and one lady accepted Jesus. She was weeping so hard. 

We fed the forsaken and abandoned elderly people and we purchase them wagons of woods so they can warm up their homes. We found one elderly man who didn’t have any woods and he had to sleep with the jackets on because it was so cold ,below 0°

In a village called Rogoaza half of the village got saved but the village had only two houses.

In Arad we experienced a great revival. In Inand the vice mayor prepared the government building for evangelism himself. At 7 AM he went to warm up the building and to set up all the chairs for the evangelism. One person got saved. In Homorog we did evangelism in the government building and Anuta  who stabbed herself in the neck last year got delivered, her husband got saved, her son and his wife ,the niece, and a neighbor who was visiting her accepted Jesus. In Cefa we had one baptism, Roxanna. First ,all her relatives: parents ,sister didn’t want to come to attend her baptism, but finally they showed up. Her sister who was very against her was the first one who accepted the Lord after the evangelism service

In Berechiu we witnessed a great revival, 3/4 of the people came forward crying, one elderly man got saved,another got delivered ; he was shaking so hard, one lady who was abused by her husband was weeping so hard but the Lord touched her.

 In Zalau we witnessed a great revival. People were crying, one lady was delivered and many got on fire for the Lord. I shared on the radio Unison for an hour and a half in Zalau.

The second night of evangelism, also in Zalau ,we witnessed again a great revival and after the church was over until 9:30 PM we prayed for the sick ,for the lukewarm ,for demon possessed ,
etc. In Deva it was a great evangelism. Praise the Lord for this amazing outreach. Thank God for calling us the ambassadors of His Kingdom. Thank you so much for your prayers. God bless you all !

Pastor: Doru Neamtu


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