“Do you have a Worn-out Bible?” 2Timothy 3:16-17”

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” A man took his wife to see the doctor, and as he was sitting in the waiting room, he saw the doctor come rushing out ,asking if someone had a screwdriver. He returned to the exam room with the screwdriver, but a few minutes later, he came running out again and asked for a pair of pliers. The man was getting concerned at this point. Moments later, the doctor came out and asked if anyone had a hammer. Unable to stand it any longer, the husband said, “ Doctor, what is going on in there? What is wrong with my wife? “ “I don’t know, the doctor replied.” I can’t get my medical bag open. “ When it comes to our Bibles, the same is true for a lot of us. We haven’t even opened them. This is why I think it is very important to bring your Bible to church. It is also why there is no need to put the verses up on the screen at the church. Because people don’t have to look at a screen, but at their Bibles. The Bibles must be used. It seems bizarre to me when I see people going to church without a Bible, and when I see preachers who don’t preach the Bible. It does matter what God‘s Word has to say. It has been said that a Bible that is falling apart is usually an indication of a life that isn’t. So I like to see worn-out Bibles. The devil will do everything he can to keep us away from the Word of God. So let’s use our Bibles. Why? Romans 1:16 “I am not ashamed of the Gospel because it is the Power for salvation...” Reading the Bible you’ll have an increase of faith. Reading the Bible you’ll believe the promises of God. You must apply the principles of the Bible every day : for you, your business, your relationships, your family, your hardships and circumstances,and your life. Are you in the Word of God daily? Do you love God’s Word ? Does the Word of Gad have priority in your life ? What do you start and finish the day with ?


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